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· Natrual graduated hairline with undetectable knot
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Home > Mens Toupee Faq
In defense of hair system for men

In defense of countless of thousands of hair system-wearing men, I want to comment on each of the points raised in the article in question:
The average person can only afford an off-the-shelf type of hairpiece, which means “shedding, fading, no swimming, no other strenuous sports”.   OK. I wear an off-the-shelf type of hairpiece. Occasionally I buy a custom-made one, and occasionally a “stock” piece when the color match is perfect for mine. I’ll address each of the so-called deficiencies:
    a) Shedding.  No such thing!!   I keep for about half yearsfor a hairpiece.  In that time (and by the way, I’ve been wearing a hairpiece since I was 26 years old, which is 28 years!!) I have NEVER had a shedding problem, whether the piece was human or artificial.  Perhaps if I had kept a piece longer I would have
 b) Fading.  The newer synthetic pieces, which are all I buy now, have not given me any fading problems at all. I did have one human piece that had a fading problem, but out of what is probably a total of 16 hairpieces, I don’t think that’s too bad an average, and YES, that does include a lot of outdoor exposure.
   c) You most certainly CAN swim and play sports in your hairpiece. I have SNORKELED in mine (but you DO have to be careful when taking off the snorkel mask!).   I bike in it, I swim in it, and I do anything I want in it. (Yes, I did lose one in the ocean once, but again, after 28 years, that’s not a bad average).  I’m unable to understand when I saw the statement that with regard to sunning, swimming, skiing, that “every wig/system wearer knows that these activities are just a dream”.

I give a 5 stars for the good quality and price, but some personal problems that may helps if I tell is about coloring the hair... I did it and the thin skin was messes too, so, is not a good ideia to do it at home. I lost the real looking on the front because of it.
Another thing is the time to leave on head, for me is like impossible to keep on head more then 1 day, I've tried 3 days but once I took it off I felt relief because my scalp was not breathing, cause the material is not like lace. So, I recommend to use this with tape or wear the lace base system, if you live in a hot area specially... But I loved the quality, Just missing some different textures, like curly.

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